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Use our powerful mobile-first flexbox grid to build layouts of all shapes and sizes thanks to a twelve column system, six responsive tiers, and dozens of predefined classes.


Blexar layout consists of two main elements:

  • grid: container that wraps columns
  • columns: elements that hold your content

Each column will have an equal width, no matter the number of columns.


If you want a specific width for column you can choose bettwen 12 sizes, there are size classes for each division:

  • is-x

If you want all columns to be the same width you can add modifier on grid element, to apply to all nested columns.`

This is not disabling the ability to control specific column


As the grid can be divided into 12 columns, there are size classes for each division:

  • is-offset-x

Grid Display

you can control columns arrangend in the .grid using display modifiers

  • .is-shrink: columns take only the size of their content
  • .is-fit: removes gutters between columns
  • .is-vertical: arrange columns in a vertical order


Vertical Align

  • .is-top: align columns to the top of the grid container
  • .is-middle: align columns to vertically middle of the grid container
  • .is-bottom: align columns to the middle of the grid container

Horizontal Align

  • .is-start: align columns to the start of the grid container
  • .is-center: align columns to the center of the grid container
  • .is-end: align columns to the end of the grid container


Size Modifiers

Adjust the width and offset of columns on different devices.

Modifier Description
.is-mobile-x control column width in any screen size
.is-tablet-x control column width from screen size 768px and up
.is-desktop-x control column width from screen size 991px and up
.is-widescreen-x control column width from screen size 1360px and up
.is-ultrawide-x control column width from screen size 1920px and up

Note: you can use .is-[$number] instead of .is-mobile-[$number], as a shorthand.

Offset Modifiers

Adjust the width and offset of columns on different devices.

Modifier Description
.is-offset-mobile-x control column offset in any screen size
.is-offset-tablet-x control column offset from screen size 768px and up
.is-offset-desktop-x control column offset from screen size 991px and up
.is-offset-widescreen-x control column offset from screen size 1360px and up
.is-offset-ultrawide-x control column offset from screen size 1920px and up